5 Waste Management Procedures to Control Pests in and Around Your House

Most of the pest breeding hotspots are your waste disposal zones. No matter how much support you take from Saela Pest Control and others, you will need to manage your waste to get rid of pests.

Let’s go through the following pointers to manage waste in or near your house:

  • One Trash Can

Do not mess your house with too many trash cans or bins. Technically, there should be only one large trash can in your house to accumulate all the dirt and leftover. Use garbage bags to keep your trash cans safe from sticky residues. If you are not using any garbage bag, pests will start breeding in and around your trash even after you have emptied it. 

  • Cover the Trash

Trash cans are of frequent use at home and cleaning it is a big task at times. Use of plastic liners can help you keep your trash can clean and also away from pests. Do not forget to cover the can with lid. Even if you don’t see any stains in the can, wash the lid regularly. This will keep away mosquitoes and flies from breeding. 

  • Clean Food Containers 

People get lazier to clean the food containers before throwing them in the trash can. This is a big mistake and a warm welcome to all sorts of pests. Waste management teaches you to wash the food containers or boxes before throwing them in the can. This will avoid foul smell, stickiness and pest breeding.

  • Freeze Your Waste

Freezing waste in refrigerator will not allow any pest to breed. You can do this in case you do not have a proper place to dispose your waste. Freezing temperature does not allow bad odor generation and pest attraction. Simply ensure that your waste is tightly sealed in a plastic bag or zip locked.

  • Be Regular

Do allow trash to accumulate in large number in multiple trash cans. Keep cleaning all the trash across your house so you can breathe in a pest-free environment. Regular cleaning of waste also ensures that you and your house are more prone to high hygiene standards. The moment you see a trash can full, empty it immediately and never wait for the next day.

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Lastly, get in touch with companies such as Saela Pest Control that will upgrade your knowledge on waste management measures. 

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