Why Were Cornflakes & Graham Crackers Invented?

Why were cornflakes and Graham Crackers invented? Despite the fact that they are not cereals, they are still popular snacks that have many benefits. They have been around since 1794 and are related to sex. According to the history of the products, they were invented to combat masturbation. The history of the products is fascinating and includes information about the inventors of these popular snacks.

National Biscuit Company

Graham’s original graham crackers were created by the National Biscuit Company, a company whose founder shared the same philosophy as the late Billy-Graham. At that time, he believed that a healthy diet would help prevent early death and discourage masturbation. In 1898, he patented the graham cracker and began producing them. The underlying principle is that the two products are related, and this is how they got their names.

Cornflakes were invented in the 1880s by the National Biscuit Company. This company was corrupted and changed its name to Nabisco and started manufacturing graham crackers. These popular cookies are made of white flour and sugar, and they often contain marshmallows and chocolate. In 1898, it is thought that the underlying motive of the invention was to reduce sexual impulses among boys.

Presbyterian Minister

The original recipe was developed by a Presbyterian minister named Sylvester Graham. This man introduced a radical vegetarian diet that banned white flour, spices, and animal fat. He hoped that his revolutionary ideas would prevent people from masturbating. Similarly, the cereal Corn Flakes was developed by Will Kellogg in 1894, and was intended to provide comfort and nutritional value to inmates at Battle Creek Sanitarium.

The recipes for graham crackers and cornflakes were both inspired by the founders of these famous food products. Originally, graham crackers and cornflakes were created as snacks for the young, allowing them to stay in their stomachs and avoid masturbation. Today, they are widely used as breakfast foods and are popular with children, teenagers, and adults of all ages.

Graham Cracker Crust

The origins of these staple foods go way back to the 19th century. They were both created by a man named Sylvester Graham, who was part of a temperance movement. The craze for graham crackers, however, came from a later invention. This individual, called the Pie King, came up with the idea of a graham cracker crust, which would later become an integral part of a chiffon pie.

While there are several stories regarding the creation of graham crackers, the fact remains that both are primarily the result of the American spirit. The first graham cracker recipe was developed in the early 1800s. Its popularity was fueled by the American Civil War, and its creator was also an important religious figure. Both of them are known for their health benefits.

United States and Canada

The invention of graham crackers and cornflakes dates back to the 19th century. It was inspired by a group of Presbyterian ministers who embraced a vegan diet. They also made graham crackers for their fellow members. The first gramasites invented the graham flour and craham crackers. In 1898, the gramasters were a popular snack in the United States and Canada.

Both granola and graham crackers were created as far back as the 19th century. Both have been popular since then, but they have their origins. The earliest version of graham crackers was created by Presbyterian minister Sylvester Graham, a devout follower of the Temperance Movement. Both men believed in a whole grain diet, and it is believed that the grain-based diet is good for health.


The granola was first created by a Presbyterian minister named Sylvester Graham in 1750. Initially, the biscuit was unsweetened, but later, a man named Charles Graham began to mass-produce it. After a few years, the graham crackers became more popular, and were soon sold for $1 per box. It was a popular way to eat more healthy and more nutritious foods here.


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